Zimbabwe Medical Team April/May 2017

 The following is report written by Cosmos Medical team member Stephen Dewing on their recent visit to Zimbabwe from Australia.

Stephen Dewing

 The Australian medical team consisting a doctor, three nurses and three helpers, were again blessed to be able to work alongside their Zimbabwean partners, Sizolwethu Mobile Health, from Monday 25th April to Sunday 14th May 2017.

Together we conducted medical outreaches (twice travelling over 100km from our Bulawayo base to reach needy villages) to Shangani, Cabatsha, Trenance, Skuta, Mazwi, Entembeni Nursing Home, Fort Rizon, Killarney, Hamara, Marsland Farm, Springs Farm and Hope Fountain.

We attended to over 1,300 patients and the local Sizolwethu team are presently following up thirty five of those with further treatment. Please contact us to see how you could be involved in this process.


We were all challenged to offer God our meagre five loaves and two fish, and see what He would do both in us and through us for His glory. There were many testimonies of God’s faithfulness in multiplying our efforts and touching people’s lives.

Both the locals and the Aussies worked well together and learnt much from each other. All were much encouraged, blessed and empowered by the experience.

Jesus often met the physical needs of people as a means to also meet their spiritual needs and it is our prayer that lives will continue to be ministered to, not only physically but spiritually. Two people on this team involved with the prayer ministry (one Zimbabwean and the other Australian), were also on the previous September 2016 team and shared that many people gave testimony of how God had answered prayer from their requests to the team in September.

We can only give God the glory for what He has done and continues to do through the work of Cosmos HealthCare and Silowethu. We continue to trust Him to provide for both organisations so His work can continue long into the future. Thank you for your partnership with us.


Stephen Dewing.

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