Success Story: Fortune Lunga

Fortune Lunga is a happy 15-year-old boy whom we first met at clinic we conducted at Killarney, a dreadfully poor squatter camp on the Bulawayo city limits.

The condition of some of the houses in the Killarney area.

Fortune was suffering from a disorder that left him in great distress and discomfort. As Fortune was already fifteen, his need for surgery was dire and we set to action looking for ways in which we could ensure that Fortune got the surgery he so desperately needed.

The biggest stumbling block was the price of the surgery, which was very steep!

However, thanks to the humbling generosity of various donors and partners, we can joyously report that Fortune underwent a successful surgery at Mater Dei Hospital in Bulawayo, has since been discharged and is recovering well at home!

The doctors and staff at Mater Dei did an impeccable job looking after FOrtune who was understandably a little frightened by the whole process.

At the end of it all though Fortune was so grateful and pleased!

What a blessing it was to get to know Fortune through this process and we praise God for the change in his life and the exciting future that lies ahead of him!

[Story and photo used with permission of Fortune and his family]

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